Thursday, August 23, 2007

mind fart

Since most of you don't give a damn, I'll keep this part of the blog short. Nikon just released two new cameras and four lenses. In short I couldn't sleep last night because I was too excited reading all about them. Even though I tried to make myself fall asleep through hours of masturbation - I failed and was left with cramped arms, a perfuse amount of sweat, and one gooey sock. These new cameras are absolutely fucking awesome. Not that I can afford one, and to be honest I don't even really want one - the lenses on the other hand are a different story. But I just like reading about new cameras especially when they are of the upper echelon tier. (Okay I lied, I kinda want one, but shhh don't tell Niki.)

No I'm not going to get one...there are other things on my list of material goodies. I've been eyeing this particular bicycle. I really need to get on some form of cardio. Sex would be fantastic, but I think the bike would be cheaper in the long run. There's also the tattoos, I really need to work on that my body looks undone, then there's the cell phone - my razr is static heaven even in the best areas of reception. And perhaps a new hoodie, there's one at NCC that I want - haha.

I also want a pet penguin. I'd give him a little backpack and watch him waddle around. I'd probably need a ridiculously cold basement with a pool and one of those jackets with the furry hoods.

If you're wondering why this blog seems so all over the place, it's because I've been trying to write this god damn essay for way too long and my head is spinning - no amount of gooey sock makin' fun could cure me of this. Perhaps I shouldn't be so intimate with my footwear, there's always my shirts I guess.

I'm suddenly reminded of the time I held some crying 30 year old in the mission. She roomed with these 18 year olds that had an affinity for short shorts. I was drunk...really drunk that I knew I was safer in this icono-clash-tic stranger's apartment than on the streets in the Mission District trying to find my way home.

I think I'm going to buy a pack of white v-neck t's. But my belly is on the rise, these new protein supplements and my love for Sun Chips just keep getting the best of me. mmm...tasty. But really, the nacc gym needs to go back to it's regular schedule.

I tried reading some stuff to help me write. I fell back on Bukowski and so far all my essays inspired loneliness and the farthest thing from acceptance. Hey guys let me go to your college I'm a borderline drunk and an asshole - Bukowski really knows how to find romance in a bottle, not to mention his love for the word cunt. Speaking of which, I think I'm growing a rather strong crush on Parker Posey. And this other girl. I love the way my pets lay around me. I think I'm ending this before it gets too into it.

Boom Shaka.

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