Friday, July 20, 2007

Temper, temper, temper + good photos

I've lost count of how many days I've gone without smoking. Which I guess is a good thing. Even when I drink, I don't really crave it anymore. Unless of course if I am drunker than your average drunk - then I'll most likely light one up. Thankfully that hasn't happened in a while. As an unwanted side-effect, I'm even a bigger asshole when I don't smoke - but only when something triggers it. Unfortunately, it doesn't take much. I'm working on it...

On other health related news, I've began a self imposed stretching regimen at night. I think it's mostly due to a recent leg workout, but I feel that I've lost a lot of flexibility. I walk like an old man with a bad hip and a hemorrhoid. Why a hemorrhoid? Well, my ass cheeks are tender. I know what I said...but it's true, they are tender, and it hurts when sit down.

Oh and I had my first exam in Physics today, it was pretty cake. I can't stand some of my classmates though. What I hate more than the moms that read ahead and talk to you like they're your own mom, are the high school kids that think they are special. I simply asked this one little bitch in my group (I fucking hate working in groups) if she got her lab done. And she says in a matter of fact kinda way, "ugh, I work, so no." I just put on my headphones and wished I had a cigarette - yes to smoke, and then put it out on her eye. As if no one else in the class, primarily filled with adults, work. Stupid fucking dumb cunt...*sigh...see what I mean about the temper? Normally I wouldn't have even cared, but nowadays I have this overwhelming inclination to just get angry and put out nonexistent cigarettes in someone's eye.

Ok, enough about all that stuff. It's almost over anyways, 5 more weeks. I love summer sessions. They are actually a lot easier. I mean 6 weeks and you're done - barely a blink in terms of academia. Plus, you're only studying for one exam at a time, and the professors (at least the ones I've had) are quite good at teaching so much in so little time. And don't think summer sessions cover, they are required to cover the same amount in order to qualify for transfer/credits. I don't really know what the hubbub is about Physics. Other than the fact that I'm fighting a monstrous urge to fall asleep, it's a pretty easy class.

I also found a non-credit class brochure. One of the more note-worthy classes I stumbled upon was "Partner Massage". Obviously, a "partner" is key to the class - but I thought, wouldn't it be kinda funny if I signed up and showed up by myself? And while everyone is rubbing someone else, I'd just sit there, or maybe lay there, and rub oils all over myself - breaking every so often to say, "Oooo yea...that's nice." Hahaha - I might just do that, hell it's only 20 bucks per person. Anyone wanna come with?? If not, it's cool, I'm used to rubbing myself.

Now for internet shindigs - I found this web gallery, who's photographer won awards the "Village Voice's" 2006 Nightlife Photographer of the Year Award. And as the award implies, this man gets to party hard and gets paid to do it. Not to mention all the hot booty he shoots naked. Awesome. He is my hero. If I were that cool, and led a life so rad, I'd say fuck health. I'm drinking, smoking, and eating hotdogs until the sun came up. Then I'd fuck supermodels, while eating a hamburger. Then I'd stuff pizza into her mouth and make her eat it - and laugh as moments later she's puking in the toilet to maintain her figure. Hahahaha. That would rock so hard. Seriously, check his shit out. Ambrel Photography.

For equally as cool, but infinitely more innocent (though comparably as fun), George Lange's website - Lange Photography - contains a myriad of his work, notably a video flip-book with some of his more popular shoots, featuring some familiar famous faces. Check it out! Click here for the video: Lange Video.

Take care.

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